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AI가 만든 AI가 인간이 만든 AI보다 고성능의 AI를 개발

트리스탄 0 1457



An AI That Can Build AI

In May 2017, researchers at Google Brain announced the creation of AutoML, an artificial intelligence (AI) that’s capable of generating its own AIs. More recently, they decided to present AutoML with its biggest challenge to date, and the AI that can build AI created a “child” that outperformed all of its human-made counterparts.

The Google researchers automated the design of machine learning models using an approach called reinforcement learning. AutoML acts as a controller neural network that develops a child AI network for a specific task. For this particular child AI, which the researchers called NASNet, the task was recognizing objects ? people, cars, traffic lights, handbags, backpacks, etc. ? in a video in real-time.

According to the researchers, NASNet was 82.7 percent accurate at predicting images on ImageNet’s validation set. This is 1.2 percent better than any previously published results, and the system is also 4 percent more efficient, with a 43.1 percent mean Average Precision (mAP). Additionally, a less computationally demanding version of NASNet outperformed the best similarly sized models for mobile platforms by 3.1 percent. 



1. 2017년 5월 구글에서 인공지능을 만드는 인공지능을 만들어 냄.

2. 현재 인공지능이 만든 인공지능의 성능이 인간이 만든 인공지능을 넘어섰음.


그럼 인공지능이 만든 인공지능이 만든 인공지능이 만든 인공지능은....

장자지몽... 호접지몽...




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