무료음악 / Music

Carl Orff: Carmina Burana

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Carl Orff's Carmina Burana is one of the most popular pieces of the classical music repertoire. Here the UC Davis Symphony Orchestra, the University Chorus and Alumni Chorus, and the Pacific Boychoir perform at the Mondavi Center at UC Davis. [6/2007] [Show ID: 11787] UC Davis Symphony and Chorus (https://www.uctv.tv/series/579) Explore More Arts & Music on UCTV (https://www.uctv.tv/arts) Art can excite, provoke, calm and inspire us. UCTV showcases excellence in arts and music from classical, jazz, folk, opera and contemporary music to theater, poetry, media arts, dance and fine arts. UCTV is the broadcast and online media platform of the University of California, featuring programming from its ten campuses, three national labs and affiliated research institutions. UCTV explores a broad spectrum of subjects for a general audience, including science, health and medicine, public affairs, humanities, arts and music, business, education, and agriculture. Launched in January 2000, UCTV embraces the core missions of the University of California -- teaching, research, and public service – by providing quality, in-depth television far beyond the campus borders to inquisitive viewers around the world. (https://www.uctv.tv) 

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