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FreeMind - free mind mapping software -> FreePlane 으로 바뀜


효율적이고 체계적인 생각을 할 수 있고 또 생각을 정리할 수 있는 마인드맵 프로그램 중 하나로, 완전히 공개된 FreeMind 프로그램이다.

이 프로그램은 설치와 동작에 JRE 1.4 이상 버전이 필요하다.

System requirements

Java Runtime Environment 1.4 or later. You can find a FreeMind installer including java here or download Sun's Java fromhere.
  • About 13 MB of Hard Disk space for the full version, including all the plug-ins.

다운로드는 각자 사용하는 운영체제에 맞게 아래에서 선택하면 된다.

OSDownloadSize (MB)Note
MS WindowsWindows Installer Min6A smaller version without SVG export and PDF export.
MS WindowsWindows Installer Max14All-inclusive version
Mac OS XMAC OS X14All-inclusive version.
LinuxDebian Linux2.6Please consider first checking the release notes.
LinuxSuSE 9.x Linux and other RPM-based distros like Fedora and Mandriva2.8See also release notes.
Anybinaries for any operating system6A smaller version without SVG export and PDF export.
Anybinaries for any operating system - max13All-inclusive version
eComStationDownload: WarpIN Installation package from netlabs.org7.6All-inclusive version

For Linux, the installation procedure is described in length.


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