MariaDB Server: the innovative open source database

Start of Life for MariaDB 11.6

We normally announce releases and the end of life of releases, but today we are going to try something a little different, an announcement of “start of life”. …

MariaDB 11.4.2 and MariaDB 11.5.1 now available

The MariaDB Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 11.5.1, a Release Candidate (RC) in the rolling release, and MariaDB 11.4.2, the first Generally Available (GA) release in the MariaDB 11.4 series. …

How Intel helps MariaDB become even faster

There are many forums in the past couple of years where I have talked about how non-code contributions are just as important to MariaDB Server and us at the MariaDB Foundation as the code contributions I typically help with. …

SkySQL is our new Silver sponsor!

We’re excited to announce that SkySQL has joined the MariaDB Foundation as a Silver sponsor.
SkySQL is the first and only database service designed, built and optimised specifically for MariaDB Server. …

MariaDB Dump File Compatibility Change

Both MariaDB and MySQL have been around a long time now, and there is always a difficult balance between maintaining compatibility whilst also solving security issues that arise. …