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[문화재청](국영문 동시 배포) 국립고궁박물관, 이달의 큐레이터 추천 유물로 <왕세자입학도첩> 소개


  문화재청 국립고궁박물관(관장 김동영)은 왕세자의 유일한 성균관 입학례 그림인『왕세자입학도첩』을 4월의 ’큐레이터 추천 왕실 유물‘로 정해 소개하고, 1일부터 온라인(유튜브)으로도 공개한다.
  * 국립고궁박물관 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/gogungmuseum
  * 문화재청 유튜브: https://www.youtube.com/chluvu

 『왕세자입학도첩』은 9살 효명세자(孝明世子, 1809~1830)가 조선 최고의 교육기관인 성균관에 입학하는 행사를 그린 그림책이다. 효명세자는 순조(純祖, 재위 1800~1834)와 순원왕후(純元王后, 1789~1857) 사이에서 맏아들로 태어나 탄생부터 책봉, 입학, 성년식 등의 통과의례를 어떤 왕세자보다 철저히 거쳤다. 『왕세자입학도첩』에는 세자가 거처에서 나와 성균관으로 향하는 모습부터 입학을 기념한 잔치까지 모든 단계별 절차가 글과 그림으로 생생하게 표현되어 있다.

  조선의 왕세자는 원래 세자시강원에서 따로 교육받았으나, 성균관 입학 의례를 필수적으로 치렀다. 유학의 원리인‘예(禮)’를 실천하고 나라를 다스리는 학문을 연마하는 모습을 보여 왕위 계승자로서의 정통성을 강조하기 위해서다.

  참고로 유물 감상 시 현대의 입학 모습과 조선 시대 왕세자의 입학 모습을 비교하면 더욱 흥미로울 것이다. 또한, 전시실을 방문하지 않아도 국립고궁박물관 누리집(gogung.go.kr)과 문화재청·국립고궁박물관 유튜브에서도 영문 자막과 함께 영상을 감상할 수 있다.

Painting Album Depicting the Matriculation Ceremony of Crown Prince Hyomyeong into Seonggyungwan to be Presented as This Month’s Curator’s Choice

? Even the Matriculation Ceremony of Crown Prince Hyomyeong Was Special/ Starting April1?

The National Palace Museum of Korea (Director: Kim Dong-Young), an affiliate of the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea, has selected Painting Album Depicting the Matriculation Ceremony of Crown Prince Hyomyeong into Seonggyungwan (National Confucian Academy) as the “Curator’s Choice from the Royal Treasures” for the month of April. In addition to being displayed in the gallery, the album will be presented in a video broadcast on the internet (via YouTube) starting April 1
*National Palace Museum of Korea YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/gogungmuseum

Cultural Heritage Administration YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/chluvu

The selecteditem is an album of paintings depicting the matriculation ceremony for the nine-year-old Crown Prince Hyomyeong (1809?1830) as he entered Seonggyungwan, the foremost educational institution of the Joseon Dynasty. Hyomyeong was born as the eldest son of King Sunjo (r. 1800?1834) and Queen Sunwon (1789?1857). From his birth, investiture as crown prince, and coming-of-age, Hyomyeong followed rites of passage stricter than those for any other crown prince.

The album presents a vivid record of the entire process of the matriculation ceremony in both text and illustrations, from the departure of the crown prince from his residence to his procession to Seonggyungwan and the following celebratory banquet. Crown princes during the Joseon Dynasty were actually educated separately at an institution known as SejaSigangwon, but a matriculation ceremony for Seonggyungwan was mandatory as well. This was undertaken to emphasize the legitimacy of the crown prince as the heir to the throne by demonstrating his practice of the proprieties, a principle of Confucianism, and his studies of governance.

One interesting way to enjoy this month’s Curator’s Choice is to compare and contrast a matriculation ceremony in the present with that of this crown prince of the Joseon Dynasty. Those who are unable to visit the gallery can instead enjoy the album virtually through a video with English subtitles available on the museum’s website (gogung.go.kr) and on the YouTube channels of the museum and the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea.


<안내 홍보물>

[자료제공 :icon_logo.gif(www.korea.kr)]


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