비디오플레이 / Video Play

Frank Ocean - Eyes Like Sky

이승환 0 2347


[Verse 1]

Hell yeah

A blind boy sees a green girl
She drives a green car through a dream world
She meets up with the green club
And talks of saving the earth from itself

A blind boy
Saw a blue man
Who rides a blue bus through a nightmare
And leaves work to a blue home
Where the blue seem different
Since she's passed away


And the same boy
With sunken eyes saw me
And described
Yellow so perfectly

Said he's watching
Watching here
With eyes like sky
Eyes like I never seen

[Verse 2]

A blind boy
Became a kind man
Who painted white lights on a canvas
He once said he didn't write songs
'Cause making music would be selfish
And back then he saw the flags fly
Seen them fight and divide for it
He said war is for those who can see it
but what good is a border to me yeah


And the same man
With sunken eyes saw me
And described
Yellow so perfectly
Said he's watching
With eyes like sky
Eyes like I never seen

[Verse 3]

I said I wish you could see the ocean
He said I wish you could see hope
I said have you ever seen a mountain
He said no but my faith can move those

I said I wish you could see the stars
He told me I should see love (love)

Hell yeah


Said he's watching
With eyes like sky
Eyes like I never seen

지앤제이 하복 브라운 양쪽 두줄 주름 치마 (강일고
3W 엔리치 풋 트리트먼트 100ml 수분충전 청결유지
쿨티 남성 V넥 여름 무지 아이스 반팔 티셔츠 KK855
국산 정장양말 무압박 다이아 중목 남자 10켤레
(SM)미용이발기 바버101 교체날
오젬 갤럭시탭S8 프로텍션 핸드스트랩 케이스
타이탄풀커버필름2매 갤럭시S23울트라 SM-S918N
갤럭시A15 A156L 카드수납 스트랩 목걸이 케이스
오공 마루커버시트(화이트) WT90 장판보수 테잎형
계양 곰팡이제거 (박사500ml)x(5개)곰팡이제거제
이케아 GLASIG글라시그 미니양초홀더 유리5x5cm 5개입
LX-291 타이머 쿠킹 요리 주방 조리타이머
요거트볼 아이크스림 그릇 아포가토 용기 컵 디저트볼
밀크소다 암바사 345ml 24캔
코카콜라 업소용 500ml 24PET

바르네 풀테이프 리필 BGT-0180R 12개 MB O
칠성당 연벼루3호 (135x225)
