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DOT&E finds modified Mk 48 torpedoes operationally suitable and effect…

A Pentagon report confirms the effectiveness of modified Mk 48 torpedoes. (US Department of Defense)

The US Navy's modified Advanced Processor Build (APB) 5+ Mk 48 torpedo is “operationally effective and suitable”, according to the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) FY 2023 Annual Report, released on 2 February.

However, “Mk 48 Mod 7 torpedo reliability has degraded below navy-defined requirements”, the DOT&E noted, recommending the navy determine and correct the causes of the degraded reliability of that modified Mk 48.

The Mk 48 is a submarine-launched heavyweight torpedo that directs itself towards a submarine or surface ship based on a set targeting solution.

The torpedo has hardware variants referred to as Mods, with each Mod representing a step improvement in capability, integrating upgraded sensors, guidance and control (G&C), and propulsion system hardware.

Mod 6 features integrated noise quieting in the propulsion section and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) electronics in the G&C section. Mod 7 features a Common Broadband Advanced Sonar System and an upgraded sonar receiver.

The navy also releases regular software updates, APBs for the torpedoes, which include improved tactics, classification algorithms, and operator interfaces.

“APB 5 modifications focused on detection and discrimination of target submarines and surface ships,” the DOT&E noted. “It also provided an alternative tactic against surface ships. APB 5+ modifications focused on simplifying the interface between the submarine's combat system and the torpedo.”

APB 5+ is limited to Mod 7 torpedo hardware and requires the employing submarine to have the AN/BYG-1 combat control system version APB-18/TI-19 or beyond, according to the DOT&E report.

“Modeling and simulation data confirmed that APB 5+ modifications did not degrade its effectiveness against submarines when compared to APB 5,” the DOT&E added.

뱀줄라인롱드롭 귀걸이/귀찌
장화 신발방수커버 실리콘 장마철 레인슈즈 커버
남성 캠벨 슬리퍼
스텐 메이크업 브러쉬 파운데이션 스파츌라 M12738
아이패드 미니6 지문방지 액정필름 보호필름 2매
SCX-4824FNK 삼성 슈퍼재생토너 흑백
삼성 갤럭시탭 10.1 시력보호 필름 2매입
미니경량핸디선풍기 휴대용 무선선풍기 손선풍기
이동식 무볼트 접착식 베어링 회전 가구 바퀴
이케아 GUBBARP 구바르프 손잡이 21mm 화이트 2개입
GB6152 무소음 메탈 스탠드시계 화이트 제조한국
유진 660 BSN 블랙실버 목문 방문손잡이 욕실용
팔도 밥알없는 비락식혜 175ml x30캔
리셀 1500 변기샤워기
포스트 에너지바 액티브 450g / 에너지바 밸런스 500g
라벨리) 인절미 빙수 1박스 (15개입) (반품불가)

프로비즈 고주파 클립보드 A5
차량용 정보보호 시크릿 야광 주차 번호판 DD-10700
