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Kiev Killed At Least Four Civilians In Bloody Shelling Of Donetsk With…

Kiev Killed At Least Four Civilians In Bloody Shelling Of Donetsk With HIMARS MLRS (18+)

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Since the morning of July 31, the Ukrainian military have been shelling peaceful streets of the Donetsk city agglomeration. The city center was struck with HIMARS MLRS in the morning when the streets are full of civilians going to work.

The Voroshilov and Kuybishev districts of Donetsk, Gorlovka and other areas were heavily shelled. In addition, the AFU struck a water utility in Yasinovataya with a UAV. The civlian infrastructure of the enterprise was damaged.

According to preliminary reports, at least eight missiles were fired at the city center. Six missiles were intercepted by Russian air defense systems, but two others exploded in the center of Donetsk. At the moment, the deaths of at least four civilians were confirmed. At least eleven civilians were wounded. However, the shelling of civilians continues.

One of the shells fell near the building where the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the population is located. There were people inside at the time of the attack. Fortunately, according to preliminary reports, there were no casualties because people managed to hide in the basement.

The other targets damaged by Ukrainian shelling included a bus station, shopping centers, residential buildings, kindergarten, social facilities. As a result of the attack, a bus and several cars caught fire. Attacks on bus stations in the morning when there are a lot of civilians is the bloody tactics of the Kiev regime aimed at punishing the pro-Russian population of the DPR and LPR.

Kiev Killed At Least Four Civilians In Bloody Shelling Of Donetsk With HIMARS MLRS (18+)

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