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Kiev Targeted Moscow With Another Drone Attack

Kiev Targeted Moscow With Another Drone Attack

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On the morning of July 4, Kiev attempted another attack on the Russian capital with several unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation confirmed the attack, claiming that in total 5 UAVs were intercepted in the Moscow region.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, four UAVs were shot down by Russian air defense means in the Novaya Moskva district of the capital. According to the local reports, one of those drones was intercepted near the village of Valuevo, another fell on a garage in the village of Krivosheino. Another drone was suppressed by electronic warfare means and fell in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. This UAV reportedly targeted a military base in the village of Kubinka.

Russian international Vnukovo airport is located in the area. It was stopped for several hours during the attack.

As a result of the attack, there were no casualties and no damage to any facilities.




Kiev’s attempts to attack any military or civilian targets in the Moscow region have so far led to no results. Such strikes have no military goals and have no impact on the ongoing battles on the frontlines. Even in the case of success, Ukrainian drones could not inflict any significant damage to Russian military or civilian infrastructure. Ukrainian UAVs that are targeting the Russian capital are nothing but another attempt to hide Kiev’s failure on the battlefields. July 4 marked a months of Kiev’s counter-offensive in the Zaaporozhie region, which so far led to no result.


The post Kiev Targeted Moscow With Another Drone Attack appeared first on South Front.


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